I wrote the following in the spring of 2010 and wanted to use it as a blog intro, but apparently I am too long winded for a 1200 character intro. So instead of looking for an intro to read on my profile this is what you get, hope you enjoy:)
I know that everyone has a
story to tell, and that we all have to different decrees experienced hardships
and trials in our lives. As I tell my
story my desire is that you would not see my pain but the hope that Jesus has
placed in me.
I grew up in a non-Christian
home, and my family tried to love me to the best they knew how to. My parents separated when I was 13 and later
divorced. Around this same time I
started to cut myself, party, and I had begun to search for love in immoral
relationships. I desperately wanted to
escape my emotional pains, but I didn’t know what to do. As a result I ended up taking razor blades to
my arms as I tried to control the pain in my life. I struggled to find where I would fit in as I
tried to balance my home life and my personal life. Being 17, I was naively determined to be
independent and freely live my life how I wanted, so I moved out on my own. I thought that being independent and living
my life how I wanted would free me from the pain of my childhood but it didn’t. I soon found myself dating from guy to guy
and each time thinking the next relationship would be different. I was searching to fill the deep ache of hurt
in my heart and I did what I believed I had to do in order to feel loved. I fell into the lie that many young women and
men are told. Society tries to tell us
that it is okay if it feels good, well it is not okay. I had given piece after piece of my heart
away because of believing this lie.
Eventually all I was left with were sharp and broken pieces. I began to wonder who would want these broken
pieces anyways?
When I was 19 I became a
Christian and shortly after started attending church. And even though I accepted Christ into my
life I still wasn’t willing to lay down my life and follow him. My heart was torn as I wanted to have
relationship with God but on my terms not his.
In 2008 the struggle between what God had for my life and what I wanted
instead had ended. I didn’t surrender
what I desired or ask God what his plans were for my life. In July of that same year I was married and
11 months later the castle I had made out of sand was washed away. It was easier to pretend like nothing was
wrong until I watched the jenga pieces of my life come crashing down in front
of me. I saw my marriage fall apart and
acted like everything was fine but I was dying on the inside. I lived my life feeling hopeless as I watched
my husband struggle with alcohol and cocaine addictions. When it was all over I stood at a cross road;
I could acknowledge the pain of my husbands unfaithfulness in our marriage and
really allow God into my life, or continue to try and run from the Lord. All my life I had made choices based on
feelings and now I was left feeling numb and confused.
In June of 2009 I separated
from my husband and moved in with close friends. During this time God began to deal with the
façade I had put on in my life and I felt him speaking to me about attending
the Master’s Commission. As I started to
look at where my life had gone, well honestly it was often over whelming.
In my brokenness Jesus came
to me, he met me where I was at. He came
into my life to bring healing and restore me to him just like he had done with
the woman at the well. I now truly know
that Christ went to the cross to intercede for me before the Father, and in his
hands he holds the keys of life and death.
Before this year I really didn’t know what good things God had for me
until I began to trust him. Once I
choose to pick up the keys he so graciously wanted to give me, this is when I
was able to walk through his door of mercy.
God has done amazing things
in my life this year. He has given me
true joy, and his boldness and courage are now in my heart. He has awakened in my spirit a burden for
those who are broken hearted and oppressed.
Now I can look at people and not be fearful of their eyes. I no longer wonder if they can see the shame
I was not meant to carry with me. I know
that when people look at me that Jesus is shinning through me.
I have learned a lot of great
things this year and God has opened my eyes to see everything he has done for
me. One thing that stands out to me from
being in MC was when Pastor Jim Anderson came to speak to our class. He spoke openly and honestly about the spiritual
assault that is against youth and young people in our communities. He told us a story about a Russian woman he
had met who had been abused by her husband.
I remember Pastor Jim saying that although in the end she did not
receive her husband back she did receive restoration from God for her own
life. As I have wept over my own
marriage God has been writing my story of restoration. I now can see myself as God sees me and not
as the world tries to label me.
Some scripture that has been
comforting to me is in Isaiah 54:4-7 “Do not be afraid: you will not suffer
shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will
not be humiliated. You will forget the
shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood. For your Maker is your husband- the Lord
Almighty is his name- the Holy One of Israel is your redeemer, he is called the
God of all the earth. The Lord will call
you back as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit- a wife who
married young, only to be rejected” says your God, “For a brief moment I abandoned
you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back”
Gods loving hand of
compassion reached out to me in the midst of my loneliness and brokenness. What I did to receive it was to except
it. I pray that God would awaken in you
just how much he loves you, and that you would walk though his door of mercy
and grace for your own life.
Its been a long road my friend. I am so thankful that you are seeing the amazing things God has in store for you. Ever since I met you - I have seen the compassion in your heart. That is a gift. Your story will touch people and they will open their hearts like never before. I love you!
ReplyDeleteWhat a journey it has been indeed, thanks for the encouraging words and for being there for me in the past:)